Dear customer, we have upgraded security systems and enabled a single sign on for all our brands. The action was done to improve protections of our digital platforms and enable you to move seamlessly between our brands. As part of the security upgrade, you are kindly requested to reset the password of your My ATAG account as of 1st June,2023. If you have already reset the password, no new actions are needed. If you don’t have a My ATAG account, you need to register first. Thank you.



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Are you looking for a succulent and picture perfect meat recipe? Turkey is always a great idea! It will be the crowning glory of your festive feast.
  • 1 cuillère à café  sel
  • 1 pincée  poivre
  • 3 cuillère à soupe  d'huile d'olive
  • 6 tranches  bacon
  • 2 pincées  thym
  • 2 pincées  romarin
  • 3.6 kg  dinde
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  1. Huilez la dinde et le plat à four puis salez et poivrez à votre goût.
  2. Bardez la dinde avec des tranches de bacon.
  3. Ajoutez 1 à 2 dl d'eau et arrosez la dinde avec son jus pendant la cuisson.

Recipe - Dinde - ATAG